character building for reides!
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reides can be quite volatile when it comes to his anger. if he's being goaded by someone he dislikes, he'll rise to it very quickly and meet their energy. otherwise, though, he doesn't really like assuming the worst of people, so... whenever someone he likes in some capacity pisses him off, he'll usually try to reason it away and won't fly off the handle all that quickly. this definitely has its down side, since it has resulted in people getting away with treating him pretty badly or telling him things that he 100% should have blown up on them for, haha. but when he gives into his anger, it's easy to tell. they don't call him the storm prince for nothing... he has one hell of a tempest inside of him.
2) do they believe in soulmates?
...he does now! LMFAOOO reides had a fairly logical view of love before meeting aske (his boyfriend). he used to be fine with fleeting meetings based on physicality rather than feelings (feelings beyond 'that sounds fun!' anyway, LOL). in many ways, reides thought that giving into any other sort of love was just another way of caging himself. as time passed, he realized just how wrong he was, though. the feelings that he has for aske are NOTHING like a cage; they don't limit him in the slightest. they anchor him in a way that is stabilizing and safe whenever he feels like he's going to go ricocheting away. they're freeing. whenever he's with aske, he feels like he can do anything. he can't quite wrap his head around them meeting as something that wasn't somehow fated or 'meant to be,' either. maybe it's just the romantic in him going a bit haywire, as it's the first time he's ever been this deeply in love, but he finds a lot of comfort in thinking of their paths as being determined by some higher power; as being wrapped around each other. reides is also pretty spiritual sooo you know. can't help it.
3) do they have any pet peeves?
not really tbh? he doesn't like being nagged to do things that he doesn't want to do but that isn't really a pet peeve so much as a recurring annoyance in his life (thanks to his childhood especially; he'd neglect his princely duties in favor of going off on his own adventures). when he's researching he generally doesn't like to be told to stop and might get a little snippy when someone tells him to do something else - even if it's like taking time for a meal or a bath or whatever.
4) do they have a happy place? somewhere they go to in their head when they need to relax?
when he's overwhelmed whilst on the surface, reides thinks about being submerged in water; if he can submerge himself in water, it helps him relax a whole lot. when he's overwhelmed whilst in the sea - i.e. in his home city of aquos - he'll usually go out to the shipwrecks and spend some alone time there. focusing on arcanic formulae also tends to calm him down - typical wizard moment.
5) at what stage of their life were they the happiest?
i think he's the happiest he's ever been right now, tbh. like... he's dealing with a lot, but he's achieving a lot of the dreams that he once struggled so very much to attain. he's doing his best as laverathia's ambassador, and while he sometimes struggles with wrapping his head around some of the duties he has right now - both as the ambassador and as a member of the champions valoris - he feels secure and is taking the necessary steps he needs to take to become who he wants to be. in a lot of ways, reides is finally the person that he always wanted to be, and he's trying his best every single day. even on the awful days... he's motivated!!!
6) at what stage of their life were they the least happy?
the weeks leading up to his escape from his home seas were extremely rough. reides felt completely alone and, in a literal sense, he WAS completely alone. things got easier once lotlyn (and, unbeknownst to him for a long time, viglis) helped free him from the prison that his father ensnared him in, but things honestly stayed rough for a long time. lots of nightmares. lots of pain. lots of tears and lots of self-hatred.
7) at a bar/tavern/pub are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
if it's an environment with strangers, someone else probably tee hee. during his alone time in port valor prior to meeting his adventuring party (aka the champions valoris) reides definitely got a lot of free drinks. he likes spoiling his loved ones though - his boyfriend obviously included - so he'll usually try to insist on paying for them.
8) have they ever broken any bones? if yes, how?
he hasn't! he has been in a lot of pain before but if any bones broke, kilwin's healing magic patched 'em up before reides could realize - and thank goodness for that. as a kid, he was pretty rowdy and went off on his own a lot, but since the sea doesn't really facilitate any Falls or anything he was never on the losing end of... gravity. LKFDGDFKG
9) do they have any memories/experiences they'd rather forget?
not really tbh. he's no stranger to pain and has seen The Horrors but he can trace those horrors to very good things happening, so he'd rather not forget any of it. he's also a researcher, so he would rather not deprive himself of knowledge - even if it hurts.
10) what is their favorite memory from their childhood?
I CAN'T POSSIBLY PICK JUST ONE SO HERE IS A LIST: being curled up next to his older brother, viglis, and listening to him read to him! seeing his baby siblings (dhudus and lotlyn) for the first time! learning how to shuck oysters with his mom! sneaking out of the coralpeak citadel for the first time and exploring his first shipwreck! and, of course, finding the spellbook which kicked off his love of the arcane and wizardry!
11) do they have a "type" that they are usually attracted to?
aske's earnestness is what drew reides in to him, so i guess reides is attracted to sincerity and genuine connection. that's extremely funny, considering how much he hated those things re: the small flings he had prior to getting together with aske LMAO... but when it comes to physical characteristics, there isn't really anything that's guarenteed to catch his interest or anything.
12) do they have any favorite possessions?
he cherishes his spellbook, of course! his journals are also extremely important to him, as well as his arcane focus: a shell from aquos. the star naval piercing that needlepoint made for him is also really, really special to him.
13) do they have any tattoos? if no, would they ever consider getting one?
he doesn't have any tattoos just yet, but he would absolutely consider getting one in the future!
14) do they have any piercings? if no, would they ever consider getting any?
both of reides' ears are pierced, and his naval is, too!
15) what is their dream house like?
reides would love to live near the sea... close to a beach; possibly overlooking one. otherwise, though? he isn't all that picky! once it's comfortable and has enough room to store his books and trinkets (and have a nice little shrine for his god, persana), he's content. he also now dreams of living with aske, so, you know... the house has to be big enough for both of them! hehe. i think he'd really like it if it was decorated with a very nautical theme, too, since reides gets a lot of comfort out of those sorts of things. lots of shell decorations and the like.
16) what is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
i feel like people might not realize just how intelligent reides is upon their first meeting with him, LMAO. stats-wise, he's got a 20 in intelligence... and he's an entirely self-taught wizard, as laverathia doesn't have any others (to his knowledge). he's really, really fuckin smart.
17) how good at they at choosing gifts for others?
he's really good at it! he likes to know what his loved ones like... and he takes the gift-selection process very seriously. giftgiving is definitely one of his love languages and he is a deeply sentimental person, so, you know. he's gotta be good at it!
18) do they have a certain skill that they're particularly proud of?
he likes how stubborn he is because he feels like it helps him with being a better wizard!!! and a better researcher in general, tbh!!! he loves his magic dearly but he definitely sees it as like... something he needs to live up to; something he needs to be Better At constantly in order to wield it in the manner which it deserves. that doesn't mean he isn't proud of it, because he totally is, but, you know. he's always really aware of the ways he needs to improve in as a wizard. he also really likes that he's pretty damn good at drawing and painting because it makes his research easier HAHA. OH!!!! AND HE'S PROUD THAT HE CAN PREPARE SEAFOOD REALLY WELL. especially oysters!!!
19) how would a stranger they just met describe them?
if they're a surfacer, they'd likely be alarmed, because reides is very likely the first triton that they'll ever meet. in general, though, i think most people think that reides is a very striking person. he's bold, he's bubbly, he's eccentric; all of his outfits are flashy and covered in sentimental trinkets and he almost always has a big, big smile plastered across his face. it can be a bit overwhelming to meet him, i think, but i also think that most people would get endeared to him very quickly, as he's difficult for Good People to dislike.
20) how would a close friend they've known for a long time describe them?
hilariously enough, i've noticed that a lot of reides' close friends tend to be pretty protective over him; even his friends who are older than him will treat him like a younger brother LMAO. i think they'd know about his intelligence moreso than a passing stranger / connection would gather from his appearance, so they'd definitely describe him as brilliant. and they would know how passionate and caring that he is, so i'd like to believe that they'd trust him to have their back unconditionally. but i think that they would also know that reides isn't entirely just bubbly and that he has quite the temper. that volatile nature of his comes out the very most when he's in battle, so, you know.
21) do they have any personal insecurities?
i think reides' hyper-awareness of his skills re: his magic doesn't really count as an 'insecurity' per se, but he does kind of get a little intimidated when he meets other wizards - especially those who have received formal schooling. the arcane formulae that he strings together on his own are beloved to him, so he doesn't want to change his methodology!!! and he isn't ashamed of what he can do!!! but he can't help but feel some sort of Way upon meeting people who had the guidance of a teacher. it's probably jealousy above all else. he is also really worried that he'll somehow fuck things up as laverathia's ambassador and prove all of the nobles of the court who doubted him "right"... he wants to live up to the task that his father granted to him and prove his WORTH!!! recently, that insecurity has dwindled a lot, though, as his father told him that he trusted him and wished him luck with the path ahead... and he's getting along a lot better with his family in general. so... yay!!! confidence!!!
22) what is their highest physical stat and their highest non-physical stat?
his highest physical stat is his constitution (14)! and his highest non-physical stat is his intelligence (20; 22 when he's wearing the resonating wreath of persana)!
23) how would they react to finding out someone lied to them, even if if was for their own safety/well-being?
while reides doesn't LIKE being lied to, he's fully aware that he'd be a hypocrite if he got mad about it if it was for his own safety, as he did a whole lot of lying for other people's safety when he first arrived on the surface. most of it was lying by omission, but, still. he kept the details of his past hidden from his friends despite everything. so he tends to be a bit more understanding than most when it comes to lies of that nature. like anyone, he has limits, though.
24) do they prefer cold weather or warm weather?
he likes both, but he tends to overheat easily, as he is way more accustomed to a cold, undersea environment. so cold weather is way more comfortable for him.
25) how easy is it for them to say "i love you"?
very easy, as he'd never say it if it wasn't true!
26) how easy is it for them to tell someone about their worries?
pretty difficult... reides isn't a stoic person but, a lot of the time, he feels like his worries are a bit Too Much for other people... and, for a long time, he didn't have anyone that he could really trust with them. before he left laverathia the first time around, he'd confide in his younger sister a lot, but he didn't want to worry her and knew he couldn't share his, like, darker thoughts with her. it's been a long time since then, though, and he has loved ones that he trusts now (namely, the champions valoris)! and he also trusts his family a lot more, too!!! so even if he feels like shit for expressing his concerns and struggles through it, he Will do it. aske has also helped a whole lot with this, as reides finds it very easy to express himself around aske.
27) have they ever witnessed someone die?
as someone who isn't a stranger to battle, he has (unfortunately) seen a lot of people die. he's pretty desensitized to seeing his enemies fall and has no qualms with killing those who are trying to kill him or his loved ones, but seeing people he loves die is like... the worst thing ever. when he saw jorah die he freaked out terribly, and when he saw damien's corpse it fucked him up pretty badly (though he didn't actually SEE damien die). thankfully, kilwin was able to bring both of those individuals back, but, god. as much as reides understands that death is a Thing That Happens, the grief that accompanies it is very difficult for him to deal with.
28) are they ticklish?
he isn't SUPER ticklish but certain parts of him definitely are... heh...
29) how high/low is their pain tolerance?
he has a pretty low pain tolerance tbh!!! he puts a lot of effort into positioning himself in battle so that he can avoid pain as much as possible. definitely not a tank.
30) is there something they secretly wish they could do but are too afraid to?
he's always interested in taking up all sorts of random hobbies, but he isn't really 'afraid' of any of those. i guess reides still has a lot of hang-ups about taking on some of the more technical aspects of the laverathian court; i think he is still pretty scared of attending whatever next ball rolls around and doing the whole... schmoozing sort of thing. he really wishes that he could be as naturally good at it as some of the more etiquette-oriented members of his family, but alas. it's easier to pretend to just be above it all. (but like, it's funny because reides is really charismatic and likeable, so i truly think he'd be fine if he went back into it. yeah, asshole nobles might have Stuff To Say, but he isn't a child anymore and nothing would really phase him all that much? especially since he actually has people in his corner now. regardless, reides won't realize that until he actually has to do it, i think.)
31) are they a messy eater or a neat eater?
messy!!! messy!!! so messy!!! reides loves eating with his hands!!! he loves to dig right into stuff with reckless abandon!! i think it's probably fun to watch him eat, unless you're squeamish about that sort of thing L;KDFG;DKFG
32) what moment of their life made them feel most unloved?
when his father brutally denied his first request to become laverathia's ambassador (prior to his escape to the surface). reides can now easily admit that it was a request that was quite naive; that first time, it was made out of a desire to escape his crown, and he had no idea just how rough the world could truly be - but it still didn't justify the way his father treated him. being charged with treason and facing the brunt of his father's rage was traumatizing to say the least - not to mention his ensuing imprisonment. he felt completely alone in the world. completely. to this day, reides is grateful that his 6 weeks spent in solitary confinement didn't permanently dampen his spirits or his passion for knowledge about the world. he doesn't ever want to talk about it - not even with aske - but he knows that it came pretty damn close and that some part of him definitely just... ceased to be during that time. he'd like to believe that whatever it was came back to him, but... it was just a terrible time.
33) what moment of their life made them feel most loved?
on the flip side of the last question, reides felt the most loved when he was granted the title of laverathia's ambassador. it was a lifelong dream that he worked his ass off to achieve. even when he was on the surface and, supposedly, had his back turned to his home - fleeing from his duty with all the strength he could muster - reides still did everything he could to ensure that the laverathian empire was safe. in doing so, he, hilariously enough, began to embrace his duty moreso than ever before. he truly began to understand what it meant to be the storm price; what it meant to have laverathian blood flowing in his veins. so becoming laverathia's emissary allowed him to finally merge the love of his home with his love for everything else in the world; it cast away so many trepidations that he maintained and validated him in a way that nothing else could. it also showed him that his people (ESPECIALLY his family) didn't give up on him and that they trusted him to be their voice above the waves, in a world which most of them don't know (or which they actively fear). he was also made ambassador right after aquos was reclaimed from evil forces, so the relief of his home seas being safe (after the trauma of learning that they fell and seeing the carnage; not to mention participating in the battle to reclaim it) definitely mixed in with the joy he experienced. like, it was just a culmination of so much! it was hope finally coming to fruition - made possible through skills that he worked so hard to gain, and of course with the support and love of his friends (and boyfriend). things were still pretty rough with his father at that time, but reides still felt, like... unconditionally loved by most of the people around him. even if that feeling flickers in the future, it happened in that moment, and reides will NEVER forget it. NEVER.
34) which of the senses would they hate to lose the most?
i truly can't pick one (since he would not like to lose any sense tyvm) and honestly... it feels weird to choose something!!!
35) are they good at small talk?
YES, he's very good at small talk! his idea of small talk is kind of weird though tbh but he's still good at it L;GKD;LFHK
36) if they could ask anyone one question and get the absolute truth, who and what would they ask?
he would probably ask his ancestor, daiven, if he's doing okay, resting at peace in persana's embrace. or he'd ask if he could hug him. because he really wants to hug him!
37) if they had the chance, would they prefer to travel to the past or to the future?
i'm really not sure because i think suddenly arriving in the past or future would scare the shit out of reides LMFAOOOO but if he HAD to pick, he'd probably go with past because it'd be weird to exist in the future and hear about people he loves currently being like... gone or whatever. like it'd just be weird. he would absolutely not want either option though! he's too fond of the present to do any time leaping.
38) who had the biggest impact in their life, both positive and negative?
probably his older brother, viglis. reides has so many fond memories of being by viglis' side - especially as a child - but also so many horrible memories of shouting matches between the two of them and really emotionally rough patches. viglis was the one who put the most pressure on reides, because viglis was worried about reides. he figured that if reides didn't abandon his interest in the surface world, he would get wrapped up in very real danger - not to mention his other interests and habits which were 'unbecoming' of a prince. reides rejected all of this as he couldn't possibly be the person that viglis wanted him to be, so... it was a bit of a mess. still, viglis was always the first person who would rush to reides' defense whenever any of the nobles of the laverathian court were whispering cruel things about him, and viglis was the one who would always rush off to find him whenever he went sneaking off beyond the citadel's walls. they both made a whole lot of mistakes and hurt each other a whole lot, but they also unconditionally adore each other and always have - even if they claimed otherwise or had ways of showing it that didn't really 'mesh' with what the other would expect. but, nowadays, reides knows he can rely on his older brother - no matter what. he's relieved that they've made peace with each other and that they can work together to keep their empire safe. (and, honestly? reides probably worries about viglis just as much as viglis worries about him. he's just 100x better at hiding it!!)
39) would they rather live life always surrounded by people, or always alone?
reides would probably take the 'surrounded by people' life over a completely lonely one. he loves too many people now to even humour the thought of being estranged from everyone, and he has obvious trauma associated with, like, forced loneliness.
40) is there anyone or anything that immediately instills fear in them?
his father used to, but not so much anymore. he definitely gets a bit nervous, but the fear is lessening. tyrian still kind of does, but as reides gains more and more faith in his capabilities, he can swallow that fear fairly easily. whatever bubbles to the surface is mostly reflexive, born from the initial fear of learning that tyrian was tracking him so many months ago.
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
reides had super limited experience with surfacers prior to meeting aske, so aske had that working in his favor from the very first moment that the two of them met. while stowing away on the desperado, reides would spend a lot of time staring at him; everything about aske's physicality was really interesting to him - even the simple stuff, like aske's lack of gills, the shape of his ears, etc. reides had a lot of fun making these little observations, which naturally led to him thinking that aske was very nice to look at, so the 'oh he's hot!' realization came to him VERY quickly.
Does this change over time? What things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
reides still loves to Simply Look At Aske - i think aske tends to fall asleep before him at night, so that's when reides might just be like OvO at him for a bit - but there isn't a sense of aske being 'otherworldly' anymore. that familiarity makes him all the more attractive to reides, though, because it's like… that's the man he loves!!! in particular, he absolutely loves aske's hands - they're the rough, skilled hands of a sailor, but aske's touch can still be so very gentle and tender whenever he handles books and. well. whenever he handles reides LMAO. it's nice. he loves how aske is perpetually sunkissed, too, because it gives him a certain radiance, and he thinks that aske's freckles are extremely cute. (yes, he's counted them before. reides feels Very Normal about his boyfriend.) the sexual side of their relationship also gave reides a lot of stuff to appreciate about aske - he adores how he can get a little messy whenever he's passionate (lbr, him 'forgetting his manners' in bed was a huge plus for reides). also, this veers a bit away from physicality… but, since he's a triton, reides doesn't really give off much heat and his body tends to run a bit cold. being around aske feels really good because aske can warm him up without making him feel too hot.
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
honestly… reides had that moment a few seconds after he met aske. like!!! that encounter solidified aske as a super important person in reides' life. reides was in a very, very dark place right before they met. he felt completely alone and was desperate for help from someone, anyone - and receiving that level of kindness from a total stranger was literally life-changing. reides knew he would never forget it, and so he adored aske from that moment onwards.
Does this change over time? What will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
every time reides sees aske he feels some semblance of that bubbling excitement and gratitude in his chest, so… again, it hasn't changed so much as developed over time. aske isn't just a very kind and handsome and funny (hehe) stranger who helped him and then vanished a few weeks later on - he's aske. even if they're in a little tiff for some reason or another, that sort of adoration can't really be tempered. it's a reflex.
How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
reides denied it for a long time - mostly out of guilt. at some point, he started thinking that he used aske to get to the surface, and came to believe that it was unfair of him to withhold so much information during their initial time together (even if he did so out of wanting to protect aske). he didn't want to force aske to deal with his staggering amount of baggage, either. in hindsight, he knows that he developed a little crush on aske during his initial time on the desperado - but during that time, he had waaaay too much going on internally to reflect on it, much less act on it. between reides leaving aske the first time around and their reunion a few months later, he was involved in a few short, casual flings (one night stands and the like, including his little date with wyrran), but he never actually liked anyone the way that he liked aske. reides had a spark with aske that he never had with anyone else. so he gradually came to the realization that he had something special going on with that half-elf surfacer who plucked him out of the sea. reides also had a whole lot of help from his friends with sorting out his feelings, too. whether they were aware of it or not, they tempered the sense of guilt that was weighing him down, and their encouragement pretty much guaranteed that he couldn't run away from his emotions whenever the urge to do so reared up again.
How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
reides panicked for sure. he didn't consider himself easy to be with in the long term - like, at all. he's been told that he's a change-bringing tempest for pretty much his entire life, with that sentiment obviously heightening to a traumatic degree with his imprisonment. so a part of him feels like he tends to ruin everything he touches (though this part of him has become smaller and smaller as of late - but back when he first realized his feelings for aske, it was still pretty significant). he also worried a lot about how he kept so many secrets from aske and was terrified over how aske would react to finding out the truth about him - from all of his family stuff (including the whole prince thing) to the stuff he's doing as an adventurer right now. with all of that being said - upon seeing aske again, reides literally couldn't deny that he liked him because it was just… the truth of the matter. he couldn't think "i am never going to think about this" anymore because it was just. in his face.
Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
flirting comes to reides pretty naturally, so he knew that he would have to tell aske about his feelings straight-up in a serious context - because he really, really didn't want someone as important as aske ending up as a random hook-up in his life. it helped that they were already familiar with each other from their initial time on the desperado; there was definitely a sense of like… Romantic Tension between them. and reides' relief when he saw that aske was okay despite all of the crazy shit going on in the world was a big contributing factor to that, too.
What do they think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until they started falling for the other character? What are their expectations like?
prior to realizing his feelings for aske and the follow-up of establishing a relationship with aske, reides had a surprisingly logical view of romance. he knew about it from stories and observations of other couples (including his parents, since their love is, for better or for worse, an extremely talked-about topic in laverathia - literally the stuff of song) but still attributed a lot of the mushy stuff to poets being poets. it didn't cross his mind all that much; he was always looking elsewhere or preoccupied with something else - especially when he was living in aquos. when he escaped to the surface, he (initially) didn't want to open up to anyone, so getting into a serious relationship was out of the question. now that he's In The Sauce, his initial view of love has obviously changed a whole lot. he doesn't really have expectations so much as… wants. he wants to know more about aske, he wants to help aske, he wants to protect aske, he wants to spend as much time as he can with aske… he wants to eat breakfast with aske and to kiss aske and to laugh with aske and to cry with aske and to just. be with aske. so basically the poets were right after all.
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
for a long time, the idea of committing himself to one person was kind of… out of the question for reides. as a prince, everything felt too political, so he stayed away from any romantic advances made towards him. upon arriving on the surface, he was unwilling to be honest with surfacers regarding his background and he knew that this unwillingness meant having a constant barrier between himself and others. even beyond romance, reides always had an urge to just keep on moving. but he got a lot better with facing his responsibilities through the course of his journey - and, most importantly, he grew to accept himself. that constant urge to escape dampened, and the resulting sense of security helped reides gain the #skills that he needed in order to fully trust those close to him… aske included. so, with all of that being said, now that reides has been honest with aske about his background and has been met with acceptance and love in return, he isn't scared of commitment at all when it comes to their relationship. it's a responsibility, yes - but it's a wonderful one to have because he genuinely cares about aske and wants to share his life with him. he doesn't feel trapped with him - rather, he feels more free than ever with aske around. he's changed his life for the better; he's been doing that since they met each other. hell, reides was the one who told aske that he didn't want what they shared to be a one-time thing, so… he's definitely in it for the long haul. the present has its demands, so reides is focused on taking it one day at a time - but he absolutely does fantasize about settling down with aske someday.
What scares them about entering a relationship?
there was all that stuff about his background that i mentioned before, but reides and aske were able to work through that, so it doesn't terrify reides anymore. he's a little worried about how certain members of his family will react to the revelation that he's with a surfacer, but he's also kind of looking forward to letting them know in a weird way (him telling his mom about aske helped a lot with that, even with her teasing lmao). reides' main concern right now is that he tends to feel terrible whenever he knows he's getting aske involved in some sort of trouble. even if aske wants to be involved and to help, reides generally thinks that aske deserves a lovely, peaceful life and isn't sure that someone known as the storm prince can grant that to him. but reides still loves aske a whole fucking lot and will fight like hell to keep him as safe as he can possibly be, so it's not like his fears are enough to have him call off their relationship. furthermore, he knows that aske loves him, and he respects those feelings too much to say "you deserve someone better" or anything.
What fears, past traumas, etc. would be hardest for them to talk about with their partner?
reides has managed to give aske a broad description of how his life used to be back before he journeyed to the surface, but he hasn't really talked to him about how the aquosian court treated him when he was younger; he hasn't described the level of gossip and rejection he faced. reides doesn't think aske would believe any of those nobles' old claims about him, of course, it's just a sensitive subject for him that he'd rather not needlessly bring up. aske also knows that reides was imprisoned by his father for a period of time, but, again, reides has only managed to describe it in super general strokes rather than delving into the specifics.
How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
reides values his freedom for sure - but he has no interest in being alone, and so he's downright clingy with aske DL;FKSG like, he doesn't feel like aske threatens his freedom at all, because aske fits right into his idea of freedom. he can keep up with whatever reides puts down - and he keeps up willingly, too. so reides practically glues himself to aske whenever he's around. he knows that they both have their own stuff to do and he respects that - but it means that whenever they can meet, he wants to make the most of their time together.
What is their go-to for making a partner feel loved?
reides has no qualms with expressing his love for aske literally wherever and whenever. he likes to cozy up to aske a lot… and to fuss over him a lot, too. i think that very open sweetness probably makes aske feel very cared for (if not a little embarrassed…), because it's undeniably sincere and very endearing.
What makes them feel loved? Would they build up the courage to ask for it?
reides is a huge fan of physical affection, but he doesn't really ask for it so much as immediately instigate it LMFAOOOO… whenever aske reaches for him first he gets crazy happy, that's for sure. he likes being cared for even if he postures as being optimistic and happy, and he likes hearing aske talk fondly about him, too. on a more serious note, reides also feels really loved whenever aske confides in him - whether it's about stuff from his past or just how he feels about something. knowing intimate things about aske makes reides feel extremely loved and lucky. he's a scholar, after all, so gaining knowledge about aske is the best thing he can possibly get! he gets pretty nervous when it comes to asking about that sort of thing, but he tries his best.
What, for them, constitutes a level of intimacy that they would only rarely share with someone? This can be physical, emotional, etc.
sharing his princely background with someone is 100% The Mark of Intimacy when it comes to reides. if he tells you anything about his home, it shows that he trusts you so, so, so much. he also has some difficulty with expressing sadness in particular so if he ever does that in a serious context with someone, it shows that he trusts them a whole lot.
If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
reides really likes The World, so he'd have tons of fun wandering around outside with aske, researching a bunch of things with him. i feel like a beach date is absolutely ideal for reides, since he loves the sea and being close to it with aske is like, perfection. i can definitely picture them holding hands and examining a tide pool, pointing out all the little things that live in there to each other. but staying inside and being cozy together (reading together… snuggling together… doing Something Private together…) is also a great option, so reides is really not that picky about what they do.
Under what circumstances would they want to be left alone by their partner?
he wouldn't want aske around in very dangerous situations. he doesn't want aske to get hurt and will do everything he possibly can to prevent that from happening. he also probably doesn't want aske around when he's poopin' 👍
They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
reides will absolutely try to isolate himself initially (old habits die hard), but i think the reason why him and aske work out so well is that aske will always reach out to reides; he'll grab onto him and pull him out of that darkness. for example, reides was with aske when he learnt that aquos fell - their relationship was in its very early stages, in fact - and reides' immediate reflex was to try to be alone. but aske didn't want to leave him and that worked out for the best, because aske really grounded him and made him feel hopeful, you know? (and then he proceeded to help him with saving his home!! but that's beside the point LMAO.) he's one of the very few people who can anchor reides when he's spiraling out of control.
Are they okay with public displays of affection? Do they like them?
REIDES IS PDA FAN #1!!!! he will kiss and cling and hug and hold hands like nobody's business. he doesn't really do it for the sake of engaging in pda - he just likes to interact with aske, and to feel him, and to show off that Aske is His and He is Aske's. he's not shy when it comes to physicality at all and loves to be on the receiving end (😳) of it, too.
When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
reides said it first! granted, the circumstances surrounding that reveal were pretty intense (leaping off a ship to save his homeseas, etc etc), but he still said it first and he's glad that he did. even if aske didn't say it back, he would never regret it. it's not reserved for special moments at all, either. he loves aske and is comfortable with expressing that.
If sex is something that would be part of a relationship for them, do both or either of them have prior experiences? If not, how do they feel about it?
both of them had experience with it, but reides' experience is all that i can really speak about atm and he just had a handful of flings which he didn't take all that seriously. he had sex with aske before they were even formally together, too. like it's just a fun thing to do, and reides is happy that he can connect with aske in that sort of way. he does think that sleeping with aske is a lot different (...see also: better) from his past experiences - mostly because there's a meaningful emotional connection between them (so the time they share in bed together feels more significant and intimate), and also because he's managed to gain a familiarity with aske's body… and vice versa. 😳
What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Is “virginity” something they care about? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them?
it definitely doesn't matter all that much to reides… sex is something that he doesn't really overthink, because, to him, it doesn't really require an emotional connection. the random guy that he's spending one (1) night of his life with doesn't need to know that he's a runaway prince, or that he misses his home, or that he's feeling any sort of way. he doesn't even need to know reides' name! so, yeah. while he didn't actively seek it out (he did NOT go around trying to pick up guys at ANY point of his life LMFAO), reides always approached sex in a very chill sort of way. aske was the first person he ever slept with who he actually deeply cared about - hence why reides was immediately like 'oh persana i can't have this end up as a fling' the following day.
How comfortable are they talking about, and openly communicating during, sex?
the guy who exasperatedly blurted out "i just want to fuck my boyfriend" to a room full of people including the emperor of falas is totally comfortable with talking about sex. who would've thought. L;KDFGL;KH and he's fine with communicating during sex, too!!! that's how aske'll know if he likes what's going on, so it's important!!! also if some random thought comes to him while they're Doing the Do, reides is fine with verbalizing it, too. sometimes it's just like that.
What would their partner do that would really turn them on, perhaps unintentionally?
he has so many weaknesses with aske… it's a little alarming to reides, tbh, because no one else has ever made him feel quite as flustered. he knows what it's like to fluster other people but being the person who gets flustered is definitely a new experience for him. he loves when aske winks at him, but his absolute weak point is when aske talks against or kisses his gills. like that drives reides absolutely crazy. it makes him go from 0 to 100 in a fucking instant. he also admittedly really likes watching aske do sailor stuff… like, a lot… A Lot.
They accidentally hurt or upset their partner. What happened? How do they respond? What do they do to make their partner feel better?
reides can be reckless when it comes to blurting out his thoughts; sometimes, he asks questions or says stuff a bit tactlessly. he gets away with it fairly often, because his earnestness often diminishes his rudeness - but his curiosity can still make him come across as a bit insensitive. that was obvious when he off-handedly asked aske about his scar while they were hanging out with the rest of the champions valoris. the way that played out is basically what reides would try to do if he ever upset aske like that again. first and foremost, he'd want to apologize and explain why he did what he did. he'd then see how aske reacted to that apology and go from there - whether it's needing to give him space or needing to give him a big ol' hug.
They have an argument with their partner—what is it about? Do things stay respectful, or is there some shouting and accusing going on?
whenever reides gets genuinely angry, he can be pretty destructive - he isn't the storm prince for nothing - but he loves aske way too much for it to ever tread into disrespectful territory. at most, i think reides would just get really, really cold with him and would have to step away for a bit and gather himself. he would absolutely not want to say something that he'd later regret, so he'd return once he calmed down… or if aske reached out to him first.
They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
if reides realized he was in the wrong, he would have no difficulty with apologizing whatsoever. he's a very communicative person, so he has no qualms with owning up to his actions - and so his apologies are always genuine. that being said, he might struggle more if he felt like he was in the right - but he'd still want to start a discussion with aske about it so that they could get to the bottom of things. as for how he'd approach it… reides would definitely keep it simple and just do it directly. he'd ask to talk to aske privately and then just say that he's sorry.
How do they feel about the prospect of parenthood? Do they plan on it? How would they react if they suddenly found out they were going to be a parent?
reides isn't totally against being a parent someday, but he also doesn't think that he has the time or the level of responsibility required for parenthood… so he isn't planning on it in a specific sense. if he suddenly found out that he was gonna be a parent, he would be very shocked and probably have a big Oh Shit moment, but he'd still try his very best to be a good father and would love the child all the same. i could definitely see him wanting to adopt at least one kid in the future, but that's just me.
What compromises are they making in their relationship?
nothing really, to be honest. they both know the risks associated with being with each other and they're both willingly taking those risks. and should more risks emerge, reides would definitely be willing to take them, because that's love babey.
What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
they both love reading a whole lot, but reides has a tendency to write little notes in books a lot. and leave them randomly around the place. and bend pages instead of using a proper bookmark. he loves books SO MUCH but he's really sloppy with them and might… unintentionally… lightly damage them. meanwhile, aske handles them with a ton of care and respect… so they definitely get into some little bickering moments about that.
What little thing do they find incredibly (though harmlessly) annoying about their partner?
reides really, really doesn't like it whenever aske is self-deprecating. even if it's a joke or a running bit, he gets really annoyed by those comments - because he thinks aske is amazing, and aske should always think that about himself, too!
How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
reides' friends (kilwin, jorah, briar and ashara) probably figured out that reides had a serious thing for aske before reides even admitted his feelings to himself. granted, reides did tell them that he had a tiny crush on the surfacer who saved him, but he didn't think they'd ever reunite, so it wasn't A Thing so much as a cherished memory. but it was thanks to kilwin's urging that reides decided to arrange for a reunion with aske… and then there were all of the sly little comments made by jorah and ashara about him having a date to meet in atemcester… like… yeah. they definitely knew that something was gonna happen before reides did. reides also sought his pals out for advice when he wanted to confess to aske, so they knew that he was gonna try to get into a serious relationship with aske right before it happened. reides and aske didn't have mutual friends before they reunited, though - aske met reides' friends through reides and reides met aske's friends (or at least the ones who are part of his crew) later on, as well.
Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
reides is pretty secure in his relationship with aske, so not much would faze him… but i think when envy strikes him, it STRIKES him. like it hits REAL deep. if anyone is ever a bit too handsy with aske, reides would shove his way in there and let them know - in his own way - that aske is all his!! he'd have literally no shame in doing it, too.
Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
each and every circumstance in the whole wide world. reides is willing to protect aske with all his might. like no joke.
Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
they already have pepega, reides' owl familiar! i have no idea if aske has any secret pets back home or if he has any pets that he'd like in the future, but reides would genuinely be fine with anything and would take no time to convince at all. i think they should probably get some sort of fish or maybe an amphibian someday. a pet froggy would be VERY cute.
colors: blues, silvers, light purples! and, of course, green… his older brother calls him seaweed-head, so there’s gotta be a green association in there… DFJKDJG
month: january! the first month of the year; cold, but in a renewing and refreshing sort of way. a new beginning!!! a new experience!!! and so many new possibilities existing in front of you!!! the level of expectations placed on january also aligns with the sort of burdens that reides had placed on him as well.
songs: chasing kites by iamamiwhoami! over the ocean outcast, with nowhere to go / a brighter forecast, new winds will blow / the storm that’s drawing near / it calms and the air is cleared.
number: 16! he was born on firstlight 16 so that might be where i get that association from lmao.
plants: lotus flowers! i think lotus flowers really suit reides. even the way that they grow - rising out of water to bloom; existing in that beautiful margin between the aquatic and the earthen - is so… him. they also symbolize rebirth, which i think is very much aligned with the sort of stuff that reides went through when he initially ventured to the surface world (and kind of ties into the stuff i talked about for the month portion of this too!)
smells: i’m aware that it’s a slight cop-out to say the ocean, but, like, heres the thing: the ocean! LMAO. that salty sort of kick is super reides; the scent of the sea at dawn, that crispness, not dainty or elegant but effortlessly evocative… yeah. that’s reides. he usually smells like that naturally. like the sea, plain soap, and ink.
gemstones: larimar, pietersite and pearls as well! also, i know they’re not gems per se, but i also associate sea glass with reides a whole lot. they’re gems to ME!!!
time of day: dawn! the very moment that the sun starts rising; when stars and maybe even the moon are still visible in the sky. as you can see, i really like associating reides with existing in between or on the border of various things fdkjdljg. i also think reides stays up really late typically so he’s no stranger to being awake at this time LMAO
season: winter! ok im a little weird with this one so bear with me…… i really enjoy associating reides with coldness since he’s such a sweet, passionate person and i like the idea of his optimism existing alongside the cold; i like the idea of the cold being a comfort instead of depressing or stoic or serious. bc for reides, the cold IS a comfort!!!! it gives him clarity and energizes him. it reminds him of his home seas and it empowers him.
place: on the beach, skipping alongside the waves; laughing, with a book clutched to his side; fingers stained with ink and hair windswept from the briny breeze!
foods: oysters, mussels, all of that sort of thing - juicy seafood that tastes best when you eat it with your bare hands. salty, rich flavours!
drinks: a nice rum with lime mixed in… that’s reides right there. blue daiquiris are these things and also, as the name suggests, blue - and that’s fun and would delight reides, so i think if he was a cocktail he’d be that. as for his taste in drinks… reides loves sweet ones the very most - rip currant wine from his home seas is his fav - but he has a soft spot for firewhiskey, too!
element: WATER, BABY!!!!!!! i dont think lightning technically counts as an element but that as well!
seasoning: SEA SALT, BABY!!!!!!!
sky: i think this ties into the time of day prompty really well so i’m pointing up there again hehe.
weather: stormy weather! >:) he is the storm prince, after all… for all his kindness, he is tumultuous and brings change. there’s a lot of power to be found in storms, and that power is something that reides is learning to embrace. when he hatched, it was during a crazy storm that really wracked his home seas - and, sometimes, the people there maintain a superstition that baby-reides actually absorbed that storm’s power. it’s simply wack poetry stuff (that, frankly, used to freak reides out as a kid lmao) but what if they’re right. what then.
magical powers: reides is a wizard who specializes in evocation magic, so you know he loves to harness da power of da elements… he especially loves ice and lightning magic. again, if something sounds stormy, he is probably tapping into that power and trying his best to let it surge through him.
weapons: reides’ weapon is… the power he extracts from the weave teehee. he has a purple conch shell from home that serves as his arcane focus for all that! but, his magic aside, reides also has a dagger that was fashioned from the pelagic ore of his home seas and a crossbow that he named ‘harpoon.’
candy: it’s gotta be salt water taffy! reides’ fav candy as well as the candy that embodies his nature the absolute best :3
methods of long-distance travel: reides loves boats so much. big ships fascinate him endlessly. he wants to go on them all the time. he fantasizes about being at sea with aske (his boyfriend who is also a sailor / fisherman) all the time.
fear: to let down his people and be an outcast amongst them; to prove that all the people who pelted him with insults were right; to lose his home; to lose his freedom
mythological creature: merfolk is a laughably easy answer I KNOWWW so i will choose something else even if they’re by far the first thing my mind leaps to for reidesy DFLDKGDKFH i think selkies are cool too given the nature of their shapechanging o: reides’ identity both above and below the seas is something that is fun with me thematically and i think selkies kind of offer a physical representation of that
piece of stationary: a page of a sturdy tome that has notes written all over it!!! and doodles!!! and some of the ink on it has been smudged too!!! yay research!!!
three emojis: 🌊⛈️✨
celestial body: reides is definitely a star! shining resolutely through the darkness of night… ✰ i also associate him with the star tarot, so that ties in nicely.