welcome to my shiny pokémon showcase! ☆
i have a huge passion for shiny hunting, so keeping an archive of all my hunts is definitely a challenge... but i still wanted to take a shot at it. each of these pokemon has a memory attached to it. they're not listed in chronological order by ANY means, but i hope you enjoy meeting them!
last updated: 24/02/2025
these shiny hunts were taken on at full odds! this means that the chance of finding the shiny was either 1/8192 (for all games before x&y) or 1/4096 (for x&y and all future games). the rush of finding a shiny at full odds is truly the stuff of legend.
nickname: Powder
species: piplup
origin game: platinum
encounters: 1086
notes: powder is staying as a piplup rather than being evolved further!
nickname: Chumsley
species: fennekin
origin game: y
encounters: 1746
notes: i used a turbo controller for this hunt, and it was a really interesting + fun experience. i named him after one of my favourite childhood toys - a grey cat micropet that i still cherish. i also encountered chumsley on the same day as pepper the gastly (who would go on to be evolved into a gengar), making it the first day that i ever ran into two full odds shinies!
nickname: Pepper
species: gengar
origin game: heartgold
encounters: 3926
notes: this hunt was part of my silver team quest.
nickname: Cinnamon
species: typhlosion
origin game: heartgold
encounters: 14721
notes: this hunt was part of my silver team quest. he is part of my trio of starters!
nickname: Grotto
species: totodile
origin game: heartgold
encounters: 12615
notes: this hunt was a phase for cyndaquil during my silver team quest. i am keeping him as a totodile!
nickname: Scallop
species: feraligatr
origin game: heartgold
encounters: 3816
notes: this hunt was part of my silver team quest. he is part of my trio of starters!
nickname: Buttercup
species: meganium
origin game: heartgold
encounters: 9(!!!)
notes: this hunt was part of my silver team quest. she is part of my trio of starters! since you see 3 starters per reset, i saw her after only three resets!!!
nickname: Pickles
species: dodrio
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 6310
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. pickles was my first ever (successfully caught) safari shiny! i hunted him because i needed a pokemon who could use fly and thought it was awesome that doduo and dodrio could learn it despite not having visible wings.
nickname: Veldea
species: kabutops
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 8738
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i revived veldea from a fossil. her name is a reference to a character in my original novel series, stormqueller.
nickname: Sleepytime
species: snorlax
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 8726
notes: this hunt a bonus one that i took on during my leafgreen badge quest. i woke her up with the pokeflute. she was my first ever overodds hunt in a 1/8192 game!
nickname: Laertes
species: lapras
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 514
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i got him as a reward for saving silph co. his name is a reference to a character in my original novel series, stormqueller.
nickname: Arlo
species: jolteon
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 808
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i adopted him as an eevee in celadon city. his name is a reference to the protagonist of my original novel series, stormqueller.
nickname: Grimoire
species: alakazam
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 3050
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i won her in the casino as an abra.
nickname: Xiao
species: meowth
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 3809
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i was looking for any shiny pokemon on the route that she lived on! her name is a reference to the viral kitten who stares very cutely at the camera, as well as xiao from dark cloud.
nickname: Tabasco
species: gyarados
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 3481
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. i bought him as a magikarp from the salesman outside of mt. moon.
nickname: Milo
species: blastoise
origin game: leafgreen
encounters: 5205
notes: this hunt was part of my leafgreen badge quest. he was my starter pokemon!
nickname: Pog Coffee
species: regirock
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 6917
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest. pog coffee was my very first successful full odds shiny legendary hunt.
nickname: Stonebrew
species: armaldo
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 1365
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest. i revived stonebrew from a fossil.
nickname: Rip Currant
species: swampert
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 1864
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest. he was my starter pokemon!
nickname: ANCHOR
species: totodile
origin game: crystal
encounters: approx. 4600
notes: my very first (hunted) full odds shiny! totodile is my favourite starter pokemon, and crystal is the game that truly got me into pokemon, so this was the perfect first hunt for me. in fact, anchor is the pokemon who got me into full odds shiny hunting. i wrote a post about the whole experience!
method hunts improve your odds of finding a shiny pokemon, giving you more of a chance of running into one when compared to the game's base odds! while using methods can make the hunt for a shiny easier in that sense, some methods are a lot more tedious than full odds hunts because of the element of setup + focus that they require.
nickname: Canto
species: mew
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: the reason for my japanese emerald playthrough...!!! i wanted to experience the old sea map event for the first time and figured i'd rng hunt for a shiny mew while i was at it. the experience was really awesome (i hope that pokemon introduces more events like this!!!), and i went on to ribbon master this mew, too. i named them 'canto' as a reference to both poetry/songs as well as the kanto region.
nickname: Eggy
species: azumarill
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Jam
species: bellossom
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Poem
species: swellow
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Forte
species: gardevoir
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Yarn
species: delcatty
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Taro
species: swampert
origin game: emerald (japanese version)
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: taro was my starter pokemon for my playthrough of emerald in japanese!
nickname: Stormspike
species: croconaw
origin game: colosseum
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: my very first pokemon colosseum rng manipulation! this one was a pretty difficult rng process but it was so worth it. i caught stormspike in the post-game so that i could nab him in a master ball. i also worked hard to make him a ribbon master!!
nickname: Laverath
species: manaphy
origin game: pokemon ranger
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: manaphy is my favourite mythical pokemon!!!! after shiny hunting for it with four (4) dses via the classic and DEEPLY convoluted 'transfer the ranger egg to one game then trade to another to hatch' method for roughly 700 encounters, i realized that it was not the method for me and decided to learn how to manipulate gen4's rng to get a shiny one. this was actually my very first rng hunted pokemon, and that makes it all the more special to me, as i TOTALLY underestimated the level of skill needed to rng hunt before i went for them. their name - laverath - is a reference to my dnd character, reides laverath. i also made laverath the manaphy a ribbon master.
nickname: Reides
species: kingdra
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: this pokemon is extremely special to me. i hatched reides in the seafloor cavern of the hoenn region, and i went on to make him my very first ribbon master.
reides travelled with me through each and every generation of pokemon, collecting all of the ribbons and marks available to him. he is an absolutely TREASURED member of my pokemon collection. you can read about his ribbon mastery experience in a series of posts that are on my ribbon master page. he is also named after my very first dnd oc, reides.
nickname: Metal
species: aggron
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: i named this flygon after miku, since i got her during the era of the vocaloid x pokemon collaboration!
nickname: Popsicle
species: cradily
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Miku
species: flygon
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: i named this flygon after miku, since i got her during the era of the vocaloid x pokemon collaboration!
nickname: Chimney
species: camerupt
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
nickname: Ivy
species: sceptile
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: this was my very first rng hunt in gen3 / emerald version! i named her after my grandmother :D!!!
nickname: Green Oasis
species: huntail
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 48
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Delian Sour
species: gorebyss
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 315
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Islehopper
species: luvdisc
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: approx. 400
method used: chain fishing
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: (tba)
species: wailmer
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: unknown (random phase)
method used: chain fishing
notes: i fished up another wailmer while hunting for a luvdisc as part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Popmossjuice
species: wailord
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 246
method used: chain fishing
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Deepcoral
species: relicanth
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 2101
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Aquoberry
species: sharpedo
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 43
method used: chain fishing
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Tumblerum
species: spinda
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 1057
method used: horde encounters + dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest. tumblerum's exact spot pattern can be seen on that page rather than on the sprite, as each spinda has a unique pattern!
nickname: Goldvein
species: manectric
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 638
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Stormdraught
species: pelipper
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 333
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Firewhiskey
species: skitty
origin game: alpha sapphire
encounters: 540
method used: dexnav
notes: this hunt was part of my alpha sapphire badge quest.
nickname: Pudding
species: dedenne
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: i caught pudding the dedenne on my birthday, and they have the destiny mark! they are also a ribbon master. truly the chosen one...
nickname: (tba)
species: tyrantrum
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: my very first dynamax adventure shiny!!
nickname: (tba)
species: kangaskhan
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: (tba)
species: seadra
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: (tba)
species: fraxure
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: UFO
species: magnezone
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: Firework
species: charmeleon
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: Apollo
species: pheromosa
origin game: shield
encounters: 60
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: Gruff
species: toxtricity
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: caught during da week 2025!
nickname: Pit Crew
species: machoke
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: caught during da week 2025! named after the pit crew from rpdr, since i was watching rpdr when he sparkled.
nickname: Octavian
species: grapploct
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: caught during da week 2025! named after octavian from animal crossing.
nickname: Tequila
species: xatu
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: caught during da week 2025!
nickname: Roxy
species: lycanroc (midnight form)
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: caught during da week 2025!
nickname: Pirouette
species: blacephalon
origin game: shield
encounters: 65
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: my main target during da week 2025!
nickname: Thanatos
species: giratina
origin game: shield
encounters: 128
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: i went through great lengths to catch this shiny giratina in a moon ball specifically. i almost ran out of dynite ore in the process, but it was so worth it.
nickname: (tba)
species: tapu lele
origin game: shield
encounters: n/a; found while searching for giratina path
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: my very first shiny legendary in dynamax adventures!
nickname: Medulla
species: uxie
origin game: shield
encounters: n/a; found while searching for giratina path
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: Moonshine
species: cresselia
origin game: shield
encounters: 42
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: (tba)
species: ho-oh
origin game: shield
encounters: 1
method used: dynamax adventures
nickname: Kaiju
species: zygarde
origin game: shield
encounters: 1
method used: dynamax adventures
notes: i caught this randomly after taking this on with friends!! it was my first time ever winning a zygarde adventure! i named them Kaiju because i caught them on pacific rim's triple event day!
nickname: Sprite
species: galarian darumaka
origin game: shield
encounters: 453
method used: masuda method
notes: i hatched sprite on christmas eve! so happy that she came home in time for christmas.
nickname: Jin
species: milotic
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
notes: i transferred jin into pokemon home as a feebas, and he stayed as a feebas for years... UNTIL pokemon scarlet, when i finally evolved him, trained him to level 100, and got him prepared for a 7* raid. (which he did FANTASTIC in!)
nickname: Cocoa
species: dedenne
origin game: y
encounters: 1300
method used: friend safari
notes: i was shocked at how long it took for a shiny to show up during this hunt, since the friend safari's odds are quite merciful - but cocoa was totally worth it!
nickname: Baby Blue
species: shuppet
origin game: y
encounters: 247
method used: friend safari
notes: phase one for shiny pumpkaboo! i named baby blue after 'BLUE ONE,' my cherished banette who was my very first shiny encounter.
nickname: Pride
species: toucannon
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 256
method used: masuda method
notes: i hatched eggs for a shiny pikipek for pride month in 2023, since toucannon has the bi flag colours! i managed to get a love ball to catch his parent pikipek in so that i could breed him with one. in order to get the love ball, i transferred a sandshrew named SANDY from crystal version's virtual console up to ultra sun.
nickname: Cato
species: marowak
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: unknown
method used: sos hunting
notes: i named him after my dragon age oc, cato mercar!
nickname: Cato
species: cubone
origin game: diamond
encounters: unknown
method used: pokeradar
notes: i named him after my dragon age oc, cato mercar! he was part of ranch week 2024.
nickname: Reth
species: marowak
origin game: diamond
encounters: unknown
method used: pokeradar
notes: i named her after a character from cato's backstory! she was part of ranch week 2024.
nickname: Gannicus
species: pignite
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after gannicus the gladiator... who is also the insp behind cato's pet nug!
nickname: Bane
species: weezing
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk!
nickname: Bento
species: snorlax
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk! (i transferred him over!)
nickname: Grunge
species: krookodile
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk!
nickname: Axe
species: haxorus
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk!
nickname: Barge
species: feraligatr
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: part of my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk! i hunted for this totodile on the night of the dlc's release as a celebration for totodile's return to the games :3!!!!
nickname: Syrup
species: hydrapple
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of both my all-shiny kitakami team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the teal mask, as well as my all-shiny blueberry academy team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the indigo disk! syrup was a dipplin for her time in kitakami, since her evolution (hydrapple) was added to the pokemon franchise for the teal mask - so i figured i'd take her along and evolve her!
nickname: Laz
species: munchlax
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 668
method used: masuda method
notes: part of my all-shiny kitakami team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the teal mask!! i never evolved this munchlax, and he is level 100 :D
nickname: Aske
species: gallade
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny kitakami team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the teal mask! like my rockruff who is also named aske, this gallade was named after a character from my dnd campaign!
nickname: Marrow
species: mandibuzz
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny kitakami team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the teal mask!
nickname: Chiyoh
species: sinistcha
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: part of my all-shiny kitakami team, which i raised for my first playthrough of the teal mask!
nickname: Venus
species: kommo-o
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: Lemondrop
species: bellibolt
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: June
species: venusaur
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: Amoung
species: amoonguss
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: Pippi
species: clefable
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: Barotrauma
species: drifblim
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid! also he exploded the first time i ran into him but LUCKILY i reflexively saved before starting the encounter lol
nickname: The Kraken
species: malamar
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid!
nickname: Flemeth
species: hatterene
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: raised for a 7* raid! also she's named after flemeth from the dragon age series, since they're both witches of the wilds...!!!
nickname: Arlyn
species: lapras
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after reides' mother, arlyn!
nickname: Toxie
species: dragalge
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Violencia
species: annihilape
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Monka
species: rowlet
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown (phase 1 for female rowlet)
method used: outbreak
notes: the very first rowlet i caught on my quest for a shiny female rowlet, which i would name after reides' owl familiar: pepega! i named this boy after pepega's little brother, monka!
nickname: Pedroga
species: rowlet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 360 eggs (phase 2 for female rowlet)
method used: masuda method
notes: the second rowlet i hatched on my quest for a shiny female rowlet!
nickname: Porunga
species: rowlet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 1020 eggs (phase 3 for female rowlet)
method used: masuda method
notes: the third rowlet i hatched on my quest for a shiny female rowlet!
nickname: Pasega
species: rowlet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 1350 eggs (phase 4 for female rowlet)
method used: masuda method
notes: the fourth rowlet i hatched on my quest for a shiny female rowlet!
nickname: Pepega
species: rowlet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 1664 eggs
method used: masuda method
notes: the fifth (and final) rowlet i hatched on my quest for a shiny female rowlet!
nickname: Haru
species: psyduck
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after haru from pokemon concierge!
nickname: (tba)
species: ramparados
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: cranidos
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: toxtricity
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: toxtricity
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: toxel
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: toxel
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: wattrel
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: wingull
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: has the dawn mark!
nickname: Omelette
species: geodude
origin game: brilliant diamond
encounters: 1
method used: pokeradar
notes: i saw the grass sparkle as soon as i used the pokeradar. it was WILD
nickname: (tba)
species: corsola
origin game: brilliant diamond
encounters: 7
method used: pokeradar
notes: the grass didn't sparkle at all when this corsola appeared, so she might be a full odds shiny, but i have no idea how the pokeradar works in bdsp so you know what? here she is, and she is beautiful
nickname: (tba)
species: sandygast
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: cottonee
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: frigibax
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: cubchoo
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: cubchoo
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: has the SNOW FROLICKER title which is absolutely ADORABLE
nickname: (tba)
species: grimmsnarl
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: morgrem
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: impidimp
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Robux
species: rotom
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: salandit
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: (tba)
species: salazzle
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: i did soft resets to preserve my herba mystica in my hunt for a female salandit (who i could evolve into salazzle), but, before then, i ran into like 10 other shiny salandits who are simply part of a doomed timeline... but special shoutout to the one soft reset in which i found EIGHT(!!!!!) shiny male salandits, lmao!
nickname: (tba)
species: bramblin
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: smoliv
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Myosotis
species: glimmora
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Plum
species: yungoos
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: ok so basically he's plumby.
nickname: (tba)
species: jumpluff
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: fletchinder
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Zue
species: unown z
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: 1077
method used: random encounters
notes: named after sue from the substance, since i was watching the substance when they showed up!
nickname: Miquella
species: togetic
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after miquella from elden ring!
nickname: Melody
species: chimecho
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Peep
species: nosepass
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: kirlia
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: ralts
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: sans
species: croagunk
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Spike
species: overqwil
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Bubblegum
species: aipom
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Bullet
species: gabite
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Compass
species: drifloon
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Captain
species: pikachu
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: i named this pikachu after captain pikachu from the pokemon horizons anime.
nickname: Hendrix
species: flutter mane
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Hecate
species: flutter mane
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Hunter
species: flutter mane
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Shroomy
species: shroomish
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Pillow
species: pawmo
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Butterscotch
species: fidough
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Vito
species: maschiff
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: i named him after vito from the godfather!
nickname: Bailey
species: maschiff
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Puddles
species: finizen
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Viglis
species: palafin
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after reides' older brother, viglis! he's an iconic paladin, so it had to be done...!!
nickname: (tba)
species: meowth
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Bonesy
species: wooper
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: spawned at the same exact time as bonesy! they are twins... (they have different natures and stats though, haha!)
nickname: Skullsy
species: wooper
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: spawned at the same exact time as bonesy! they are twins... (they have different natures and stats though, haha!)
nickname: Jelly
species: clodsire
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Poppin' Pear
species: larvitar
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: sliggoo
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Fugue
species: qwilfish
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: halloween
species: greavard
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: caught on halloween 2023!
nickname: Ellie
species: phanpy
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: (tba)
species: volbeat
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Gold
species: charmander
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Bubbles
species: squirtle
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Matcha
species: totodile
origin game: sun
encounters: 200
method used: masuda method
nickname: Nugget
species: torchic
origin game: omega ruby
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: (tba)
species: mudkip
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Pecha
species: chimchar
origin game: sun
encounters: 200
method used: masuda method
nickname: (tba)
species: turtwig
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Diamond
species: piplup
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: tepig
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: snivy
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Pierrot
species: oshawott
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Foam
species: froakie
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Rummy
species: litten
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: named after aske's father's pet cat, rummy!
nickname: Rummy
species: litten
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Sorrel
species: scorbunny
origin game: shield
encounters: 100
method used: masuda method
nickname: Lavender
species: sprigatito
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 280
method used: masuda method
nickname: (tba)
species: totodile
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: part of a project to catch a shiny totodile in every single available pokemon!
nickname: (tba)
species: totodile
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: part of a project to catch a shiny totodile in every single available pokemon!
nickname: (tba)
species: totodile
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: part of a project to catch a shiny totodile in every single available pokemon!
nickname: (tba)
species: totodile
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
notes: part of a project to catch a shiny totodile in every single available pokemon!
nickname: (tba)
species: riolu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: goomy
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Blueberry
species: haunter
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: pyroar
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Sweetpea
species: flittle
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: my very first shiny in the paldea region! he was also my very first outbreak hunt. i had no idea what i was doing, so it was very tense - pretty funny to look back on now that i know how outbreak hunting works + how casual it is LOL.
nickname: (tba)
species: espathra
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: i caught this espathra as a flittle in the same exact outbreak spawns as sweetpea the flittle!! it was wild!
nickname: Yusuke
species: ninetales
origin game: omega ruby
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Ramen
species: eevee
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Dawn
species: sylveon
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Carrion
species: espeon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Tofu
species: espeon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: leafeon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: glaceon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Chesto
species: flareon
origin game: white
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Calypso
species: vaporeon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Arlo
species: jolteon
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: i named this jolteon him after a character from my original story, stormqueller!
nickname: Rune
species: corsola
origin game: crystal
encounters: 75
method used: dv breeding
notes: i dv bred this corsola specifically so he would be male and named him after a character from my original story, stormqueller!
nickname: Rune
species: corsola
origin game: emerald
encounters: unknown
method used: rng manipulation
notes: i rng manipulated for this corsola in emerald version! i hatched him on the abandoned ship and him after a character from my original story, stormqueller!
nickname: Jetsam
species: chinchou
origin game: crystal
encounters: 5
method used: dv breeding
notes: i was testing out dv breeding + passing on the shiny gene from my shiny gyarados when this lil guy showed up! i really didn't think he'd hatch so quickly!
nickname: Confetti
species: galarian zigzagoon
origin game: shield
encounters: 230
method used: masuda method
notes: my very first shiny hunt in pokemon shield! galarian zigzagoon has such an awesome shiny, i knew i had to have one!
nickname: August
species: hisuian growlothe
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Murk
species: chansey
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Shiv
species: chansey
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Pastel
species: shellos
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Cruncher
species: graveler
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Cheeseball
species: geodude
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Clover
species: chansey
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Sweetie
species: buneary
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Thorn
species: roselia
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Inari
species: hisuian zoroark
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Potato
species: kricketot
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Ion
species: magnemite
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: shoutout to my meowscarada for noticing this shiny and not knocking them out!!!
nickname: (tba)
species: toedscruel
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: axew
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: ducklett
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: tinkatink
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: clefairy
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: charcadet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: (tba)
species: lurantis
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Lace
species: dragonair
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: sinistea
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: gyarados
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Oyster
species: cloyster
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Aurum
species: forretress
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Roulette
species: porygon
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Stinky
species: gulpin
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: zebstrika
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: comfey
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: electabuzz
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Rice
species: tatsugiri
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: horsea
origin game: shield
encounters: unknown
method used: random encounters (+ shiny charm)
nickname: (tba)
species: hoothoot
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: flabebe
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: shinx
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: corvisquire
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: dewpider
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich; definitely caught when seeking out shiny totodile but beloved nonetheless
nickname: (tba)
species: minior
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: (tba)
species: litwick
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Milk
species: toedscool
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Peanut
species: magby
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: (tba)
species: ralts
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Gibson
species: revavroom
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Butter
species: pichu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Dillan
species: pichu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after a character from our dnd campaign, dillan!
nickname: Lumi
species: pikachu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Fudge
species: alolan raichu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Friede
species: raichu
origin game: scarlet
encounters: 123
method used: masuda method
notes: named after friede from the pokemon anime! he also knows volt tackle and is brave natured as a reference to the airship, brave olivine / brave asagi.
nickname: Atlas
species: raichu
origin game: legends: arceus
encounters: 818
method used: soft resets
notes: MY FIRST ALPHA SHINY!!! caught for shalpha week 2025!
nickname: Aske
species: rockruff
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: named after a character from the dnd campaign that i am part of! this outbreak hunt was also the longest one i've ever done... most outbreak shinies tend to appear quickly, but aske took over 5 hours!
nickname: (tba)
species: croconaw
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: encounter power sandwich
nickname: Skwovie
species: skwovet
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Chiffon
species: espurr
origin game: shield
encounters: 270
method used: masuda method
nickname: Honey
species: grookey
origin game: shield
encounters: 125
method used: masuda method
nickname: Clover
species: alcremie
origin game: shield
encounters: 150
method used: masuda method
notes: i decided to decorate this alcremie with the four-leaf-clover accessory to really highlight the 'luck' element of her being hatched!
nickname: Coconut
species: morpeko
origin game: shield
encounters: 20
method used: masuda method
nickname: Biscotti
species: minccino
origin game: shield
encounters: 480
method used: masuda method
nickname: Klaus
species: delibird
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
notes: caught during a holiday event in scarlet version.
nickname: Fenris
species: lycanroc (midday form)
origin game: shield
encounters: 1
method used: masuda method
notes: my shortest egg hunt ever!!! i hatched fenris immediately!
nickname: Hawke
species: haxorus
origin game: scarlet
encounters: unknown
method used: outbreak
nickname: Truffle
species: mimikyu
origin game: shield
encounters: 100
method used: masuda method
nickname: Toffee
species: slurpuff
origin game: shield
encounters: 12
method used: masuda method
nickname: Nezu
species: sneasel
origin game: shield
encounters: 750
method used: masuda method
notes: named after piers from swsh (his name in the japanese version is 'nezu') and hatched in spikemuth!
nickname: Oni
species: litten
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 375
method used: masuda method
nickname: Oats
species: poochyena
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 20
method used: masuda method
nickname: Ilima
species: yungoos
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 20
method used: sos encounters
notes: named after ilima!
nickname: Shane
species: torchic
origin game: omega ruby
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Rayflo
species: crobat
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 70
method used: masuda method
nickname: Axel
species: pyroar
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Leo
species: Litleo
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Lysandre
species: pyroar
origin game: omega ruby
encounters: unknown
method used: masuda method
nickname: Rockstar
species: alolan grimer
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 20
method used: masuda method
notes: while hatching eggs for an alolan grimer with good ivs, i stumbled upon this shiny grimer!! i was so shocked!! it's so cool how shiny alolan grimer has kantonian grimer's colour scheme. (also, shiny kantonian grimer has alolan grimer's normal colour scheme!)
nickname: Louis XIV
species: goldeen
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: chain fishing
nickname: Chomp
species: carvanha
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: chain fishing
nickname: Reides
species: horsea
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 240
method used: masuda method
notes: this was the very first horsea i shiny hunted after realizing that i associated this pokemon with my dnd oc, reides. this little one would stay as a horsea, and also inspired my later shiny hunt for reides the kindgra and subsequent ribbon master journey.
nickname: Yuri
species: zorua
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: 30
method used: sos encounters
notes: i hatched around 500 eggs (via the masuda method) to no avail, so i was really happy when he came home so quickly upon swapping to sos encounters.
nickname: Zoomer
species: yanmega
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: unknown
method used: ultra wormhole
nickname: Shelo
species: swanna
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: unknown
method used: ultra wormhole
nickname: Floatzie
species: floatzel
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: unknown
method used: ultra wormhole
nickname: Fairytale
species: altaria
origin game: ultra sun
encounters: unknown
method used: ultra wormhole
nickname: Leviathan
species: skrelp
origin game: y
encounters: unknown
method used: chain fishing
notes: part of the iconic phase of time where i did like nothing but chain fish around kalos.
nickname: Crescendo
species: luxray
origin game: diamond
encounters: unknown
method used: pokeradar
notes: the very first pokemon that i ever shiny hunted!!! i'll never forget how tense i felt while maintaining the pokeradar chain...!!!
these shinies randomly came to me when i wasn't even looking for them! (sweet, sweet serendipity...) i've also included shinies that were gifted to me by friends, found on the gts / wonder trade, or provided to me via events in this section.
nickname: Moss
species: zubat
origin game: emerald
notes: i found him while lost in granite cave. i was never so happy to be lost in a pokemon game.
nickname: Mushie
species: paras
origin game: let's go, pikachu!
notes: randomly found in mt. moon! even though shiny paras is quite subtle, i actually noticed that she was shiny IMMEDIATELY.
nickname: Lettuce
species: bulbasaur
origin game: let's go, pikachu!
notes: randomly found in viridian forest!! i was actually looking for a shiny caterpie when i found him LOL
nickname: Tuesday
species: sentret
origin game: crystal
notes: she was hanging out near the lake of rage. i found her while grinding out some training, but since i was multitasking i totally missed the sparkles. luckily, i noticed the different sprite colouration and caught her.
nickname: Periwinkle
species: gligar
origin game: y
nickname: Vino
species: roserade
origin game: soulsilver
notes: a gts find!! this shiny is absolutely beautiful; i evolved him from a roselia into a roserade!
nickname: (tba)
species: dustox
origin game: platinum
notes: a gts find! if i recall correctly, i traded a magikarp for this little guy...
nickname: Palmer
species: tropius
origin game: white
notes: a gts find!! tropius' shiny is so underrated! his name is moreso a nod to a palm tree, but it also serves as one to tower tycoon palmer, lol.
nickname: Hyde
species: lampent
origin game: white
notes: a gts find!
nickname: Sniebel
species: sneasel
origin game: diamond
notes: i got this sneasel on the gts, too! he was the very first shiny i ever found on the gts... his trainer was from germany, so i just always called him 'sniebel.' i was a kid when i traded an extra legendary that i had for him and i was so excited to get him!!! i cherish him.
nickname: BLUE ONE
species: banette
origin game: sapphire
notes: BLUE ONE was my very first shiny pokemon ever. i found her on route 121, right outside lilycove city. i still have her in pokemon home, and i will take care of her forever.
nickname: Ilikia
species: smeargle
origin game: ultra sun
notes: i named this smeargle after ilima + kiawe, two of my fav alolan characters. i was also ONE TURN away from failing this shiny!!! thank goodness she decided to stay with me! i gave her a moveset to help me with sos hunting :)
nickname: Elisaduck
species: psyduck
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: found randomly while searching for unown z! i named her after elisabeth from the substance, since i was watching it when she sparkled.
nickname: Crossbun
species: heracross
origin game: scarlet
notes: this lad came up to me during my hunt for my shiny poltchageist, so i added him to my storyline team for my first run of the teal mask!
nickname: Brutus
species: brute bonnet
origin game: scarlet
notes: this brute bonnet sent my character FLYING when i tried to run into it to encounter it... brutus legitimately punched me... but it's ok because they were really good in a bunch of 7* raids LOL
nickname: (tba)
species: electrode
origin game: scarlet
notes: i actually got this electrode via wonder trade (or surprise trade or w/e the heck they call it in gen9). usually, i release wonder trade shinies if they appear to be hacked or have some weird website as their ot, but this electrode appears to be completely legitimate with nothing sus about them at all. i was so surprised that i had to keep them.
nickname: (tba)
species: alolan geodude
origin game: scarlet
notes: i found so many of these rocks randomly while exploring the terarium. oh my goodness.
nickname: kimberly
species: alolan geodude
origin game: scarlet
notes: see above.
nickname: jimberly
species: alolan geodude
origin game: scarlet
notes: see above.
nickname: jacob
species: alolan golem
origin game: scarlet
notes: see above.
nickname: Vanilla
species: dewgong
origin game: scarlet
notes: i was taking a photo of a bunch of pokemon when this dewgong walked into the frame... i thought it looked Sus and it turned out to be Sus
nickname: (tba)
species: cufant
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: combee
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Goldie
species: bidoof
origin game: brilliant diamond
notes: i ran into goldie during my very first night of playing brilliant diamond!! i'm so glad that i had pokeballs to catch her in LOL.
nickname: Baby
species: budew
origin game: legends: arceus
nickname: Jack
species: machoke
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: named after jack from titanic, because i found him shortly after watching titanic!
nickname: Rose
species: skorupi
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: named after rose from titanic, because i found her shortly after watching titanic!
nickname: (tba)
species: skorupi
origin game: legends: arceus
nickname: (tba)
species: sealeo
origin game: legends: arceus
nickname: (tba)
species: piplup
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: i almost failed this piplup because a nearby walrein wanted to Kill me and blasted me with ice. but they did not win, and piplup is HOME
nickname: (tba)
species: staraptor
origin game: legends: arceus
nickname: Amber
species: vulpix
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: i flew into this vulpix at like 100mph
nickname: (tba)
species: lycanroc
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: tentacool
origin game: scarlet
notes: found washed up on the shore in the terarium!
nickname: (tba)
species: deerling (spring)
origin game: scarlet
notes: found randomly while hatching eggs for my shiny female rowlet, pepega.
nickname: (tba)
species: deerling (autumn)
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: deerling (winter)
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: rhyhorn
origin game: scarlet
notes: she ran by me SO fast, i'm so glad i managed to catch her HAHA
nickname: (tba)
species: doduo
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: golurk
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: lokix
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: bruxish
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Steve
species: garganacl
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: horsea
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: minccino
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Poogie
species: lechonk
origin game: scarlet
notes: part of the squad of random shiny lechonks that approached me during my journey around paldea.
nickname: Kolo
species: lechonk
origin game: scarlet
notes: part of the squad of random shiny lechonks that approached me during my journey around paldea.
nickname: Rosita
species: oinkologne
origin game: scarlet
notes: part of the squad of random shiny lechonks that approached me during my journey around paldea.
nickname: Gunter
species: oinkologne
origin game: scarlet
notes: part of the squad of random shiny lechonks that approached me during my journey around paldea.
nickname: (tba)
species: oinkologne
origin game: scarlet
notes: part of the squad of random shiny lechonks that approached me during my journey around paldea.
nickname: (tba)
species: hawlucha
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: grubbin
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: charjabug
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Gold Yolks
species: exeggcute
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: exeggutor
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: exeggutor
origin game: scarlet
notes: yes this is a second exeggutor, i have no idea why i also caught him in a repeat ball HAHA
nickname: (tba)
species: exeggutor
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: altaria
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: mudbray
origin game: scarlet
nickname: spaghetti
species: spoink
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: rellor
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Good Tidings
species: magikarp
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: starly
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Jo
species: skiddo
origin game: scarlet
nickname: (tba)
species: sudowoodo
origin game: scarlet
notes: my first random shiny encounter in the teal mask dlc! she was running at a SPEED.
nickname: (tba)
species: azurill
origin game: scarlet
nickname: Yellowjacket
species: vespiquen
origin game: scarlet
notes: i named her after the 'yellowjackets' series!
nickname: Splinter
species: rhydon
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: found while randomly flying around! thank goodness for the shiny indicator + chime HAHA.
nickname: Yam
species: spheal
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: she was rolling pleasantly on the beach...
nickname: Lullaby
species: igglybuff
origin game: scarlet
notes: i swear, some kind of sixth sense came to me when i found little lullaby. she wasn't part of an outbreak or even next to another igglybuff - and igglybuff's shiny is notoriously subtle. i saw her and thought... that igglybuff looks sus. i checked on a whim and lo and behold... she was shiny!!
nickname: Jade
species: chansey
origin game: scarlet
notes: found randomly while ev traing in area zero!
nickname: Fable
species: swablu
origin game: scarlet
notes: found randomly while running around in area zero!
nickname: Flambé
species: flamigo
origin game: scarlet
notes: i had no idea what shiny flamigo's design looked like - it was so hype to encounter this one randomly!!
nickname: Lobster
species: flamigo
origin game: scarlet
notes: Another One
nickname: THRASHER
species: gyarados
origin game: crystal
notes: the lake of rage gyarados, encountered through the plot! the true icon for forming a shiny dv breeding dynasty...
nickname: Rage
species: gyarados
origin game: soulsilver
notes: the lake of rage gyarados, encountered through the plot!
nickname: Adachi
species: gyarados
origin game: soulsilver
notes: the lake of rage gyarados, encountered through the plot!
nickname: BubbleTea
species: azurill
origin game: y
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Gimmi
species: gimmighoul
origin game: scarlet
notes: a gift from a streamer who hosted raids during the gimmighoul raid event!
nickname: Yen
species: gholdengo
origin game: scarlet
notes: a gift from a streamer who hosted raids during the gimmighoul raid event!
nickname: Lacrimosa
species: iron valiant
origin game: violet
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Greg
species: quagsire
origin game: y
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Razz
species: sudowoodo
origin game: scarlet
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Pandora
species: typhlosion
origin game: diamond
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Aiden
species: feraligatr
origin game: diamond
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Bimini
species: clefairy
origin game: white
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Polly
species: beautifly
origin game: legends: arceus
notes: i ran into polly while she was fluttering around the cobalt coastlands! she was my first pla shiny!
nickname: Valentine
species: jangmo-o
origin game: ultra sun
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Shui
species: suicune
origin game: omega ruby
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Prince
species: togetic
origin game: white
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: shrek 8
species: zweilous
origin game: scarlet
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: (tba)
species: metang
origin game: scarlet
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Kyoko
species: pyroar
origin game: y
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Coralie
species: drapion
origin game: ultra sun
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: Ike
species: emboar
origin game: omega ruby
notes: a gift from a friend!
nickname: (tba)
species: rayquaza
origin game: scarlet
notes: from the 5* raid event in scarlet version.
nickname: n/a
species: tapu koko
origin game: ultra sun
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: entei
origin game: soulsilver
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: suicune
origin game: soulsilver
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: raikou
origin game: soulsilver
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: gengar
origin game: y
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: lucario
origin game: scarlet
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: poipole
origin game: ultra sun
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: silvally
origin game: ultra sun
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: beldum
origin game: omega ruby
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: eternatus
origin game: shield
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: clefairy
origin game: shield
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: golurk
origin game: white
notes: from an event.
nickname: Zero
species: zeraora
origin game: shield
notes: from an event.
nickname: n/a
species: rayquaza
origin game: omega ruby
notes: from an event.
these are shiny hunts in games that are not connected to the mainline ones. odds vary with each of the games! i also did not opt to list all of my pokemon go shinies (shiny hunting on community days is very fun, but the game absolutely just throws them at you en masse haha), and, instead, focused on the notable ones.